Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mustache For Dan


Dan Stromberg is my best friend and he has cancer. He is one of the greatest guys I know and to help him tell cancer to kick rocks, I am going to do a mustache growing fund raiser.

I call it “Stache for Cash.”

Dan was recently diagnosed with Hodgkins Lymphoma. He also recently had a beautiful 7 month old baby girl. I cannot imagine how hard this has been for Dan and his family and to help ease the financial burden associated with treatment I am going to grow out my mustache.
I will be growing a mustache till at least the end of October and asking people to pledge $1/day(or $30 for the month of Oct. or really anything you feel like giving) for every day the stache grows. All of the proceeds will go directly to Dan, his 7 month baby girl and his wonderful wife. I have set up an easy Pay Pal account so all you have to do is hit the donate button to donate with your pay pal account or credit card! Every bit will help to ensure Dan won't have to use his Burial Insurance plan early.

I will be doing daily updates of my Stache progress, or at least every other day so you know this is legit. So while my Stache-Tastic Voyage kicks off, lets help Dan together.
Donate today and help my buddy out, because at the end of the day, Dan would do it for you.