Friday, October 14, 2011

I hope to inspire...... you to grow a mustache.

I have learned a lot one week into growing my first Mustache. At times I think I will never go back to a life without this statement of Manhood on my lip. For your Friday enjoyment, I bring you some quotes that I hope can inspire you to grow your own mustache and feel the joy I feel every day knowing that I am in exclusive company with the likes of one Ron Swanson or the great Lando Carriezeon. . Stache On.
" You can't buy happiness but you can grow it" - Theodore Roosevelt

"I believe one day that a man without a mustache will have to use the womans bathroom because is he really a man?"- Tom Sellick

"Never point a loaded mustache at a woman you don't intend to thrill" - Alex Trebeck 

"A man with a mustache is never alone" - Abraham Lincoln

"A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea with no sugar" English Proverb (seriously)

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